Las Vegas Car Accident Attorneys

Choosing the right legal representation after a car accident is super important for the outcome of your case. At Jones Wilson Injury Lawyers LLP, we bring over 53 years of experience and are dedicated to getting you the desired outcome you desire. Our track record shows just how seriously we take getting you the compensation you deserve. And the best part? You don’t pay us a dime until we win for you!

Types of Car Accident Cases Our Experienced Las Vegas Attorneys Handle

Some of the many types of car accidents our accident lawyers in Henderson handle at Jones Wilson include:


When drivers are speeding, their ability to slow down or stop when traffic requires it is significantly reduced. In addition, the injuries that victims suffer are more likely to be catastrophic or fatal due to the greater force of the impact.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is an extremely dangerous practice that takes a driver’s eyes and minds off their driving. Talking on a cellphone, texting, reading a GPS, taking care of personal grooming, and eating and drinking are a few of the distractions that cause accidents.


Driving when drunk or drugged reduces reaction time, judgment, vision, and other crucial driving skills. This can cause a driver to engage in reckless behaviors—such as speeding, making unsafe lane changes, or driving the wrong way on a highway or street—that cause a tragic, preventable wreck.

Drowsy Driving

Given the fast pace of most people’s lives, many motorists drive when they are too tired to do so safely. Unfortunately, drowsy driving is as dangerous in many of the same ways as drunk driving.

Reckless Driving

Driving at an excessive speed, tailgating another driver, engaging in aggressive driving, and changing lanes when it is unsafe are common types of reckless driving behaviors that result in devastating car accidents.

Not Driving for Weather Conditions

Fog, rain, and ice can make roads and highways treacherous in Henderson. When drivers fail to reduce their speed, an accident—sometimes a multi-vehicle pile-up—can occur.

Vehicle Defects

Not all crashes are caused by negligent driving. In some cases, a motor vehicle defect can cause the auto to malfunction and the driver to lose control of it. If this is the cause of the collision, a victim may have a product liability claim against the car and parts manufacturers.

Car Accident Injuries Are Often Catastrophic and Permanent

Depending on the severity of an accident, injuries can range from the minor to the traumatic and life-altering. We feel that regardless of how injured you are, you deserve financial compensation for all necessary medical treatment and the best legal representation available.

Medical care can be very expensive, especially if your injuries are severe. That’s why we pride ourselves on fighting to get you the full compensation you deserve instead of the lowball settlement the insurance company will offer to cover a portion of your treatment.

Common Injuries You or a Family Member Could Suffer Include:

  • Lacerations, fractures, and broken bones
  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
  • Spinal injuries and paralysis
  • Back and neck injuries
  • Amputations
  • Internal bleeding and organ damage
  • Burns
  • Death

Types of Car Collision Cases We Handle

There are many different types of auto crashes that can cause victims to suffer serious injuries or death. Our skilled car accident lawyers have successfully handled injury claims arising from these types of crashes:

  • ​T-bone
  • Head-on
  • Hit-and-run
  • Rear-end
  • Intersection
  • Multi-vehicle
  • Left-turn
  • Roundabout
  • Rollover
  • Roof crush
  • Auto vehicle fires

Leading Reasons Negligent Drivers Cause Car Accidents in Las Vegas

Most auto collisions are not really “accidents” that just randomly happen for no reason. The main underlying cause is almost always driver negligence. Our experienced car accident lawyers understand the importance of conducting a thorough investigation to determine why our clients’ crashes happened so that the at-fault driver can be held accountable.

Five Reasons Retaining a LAs Vegas Car Accident Attorney Is Important

Many victims of car accidents are out-of-state residents. However, whether you are a resident of Las Vegas, or you’re just visiting, you need a skilled local attorney to represent you if you want to receive all that you are entitled to in your settlement as they would understand the law here better than an attorney out-of-state.

At Jones Wilson Injury Lawyers, our car accident attorneys live and work in Las Vegas, which makes us even more committed to obtaining justice for our local clients. We also help many out-of-town visitors and understand the unique stresses a car accident can cause when you’re hurt in a strange town. Here are five ways that hiring a local lawyer from our firm can help you:

Understanding of The Law

Our attorneys practice in Las Vegas courts and understand the Nevada laws that apply to your accident and the local court procedures you must follow. We know what you need to establish in order to prove the other driver’s negligence and the compensation you should receive for your injuries.

Negotiating Your Settlement

We have extensive experience negotiating with local insurance companies and understand the unfair negotiating tactics they may employ to try to deny your claim or get you to accept a settlement that is far less than you should receive.

Investigating Your Crash

Because we live and work in the community, we will be able to visit your accident scene and conduct a thorough investigation into the cause of your collision. In addition, we can collect the evidence you need and hire qualified expert witnesses, if necessary, so that you receive the maximum recovery in your settlement.

Filing Your Lawsuit

Only an attorney licensed in Nevada can file your lawsuit if you are unable to settle your claim. Our lawyers know the deadline—referred to as the statute of limitations—to file your complaint and are committed to taking your case to trial if the insurance company will not offer you what you deserve.

Valuing Your Claim

Our legal team has helped many auto accident victims successfully settle their claims with the negligent drivers’ insurance companies. We can accurately value your claim so that you do not accept a settlement offer that does not fully compensate you.

Have You Been Involved In A Las Vegas Car Accident? speak with attorney for free now

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, book a time below to speak with an experienced car accident lawyer as soon as possible.